Monday, December 20, 2010

My Gym Should Fine Me

OMG! I just recently said that I need to start with my fitness regimen but I slacked again. My gym should definitely fine me for not attending any class more so for not visiting at all. I am in a slump. I don't know. I don't have any motivation at all.

I guess I need a little more motivation to get this exercise and diet regimen back and in full swing. In the meantime, I will just have to see how I can motivate myself.

I'm a mess...I feel like a big ball of fat now. Arrrrgh! What do you all do when you feel like this? Tell me. Motivate me. Share. Please? 

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Let's Get Things Started Once More

Ah, I am such a slacker sometimes. Well not really. It's just that I have prioritized the other blogs that I have been maintaining especially the ones that earns me the big bucks. Anyway, I will try to keep this blog more updated moving forward. After all, I am back to running again and I have some new running buddies.

I will make this short and sweet for now. I will be back tomorrow for updates on the races that I will be joining next year.

For now, let me get some sleep y'all...