Monday, January 21, 2013

Getting Into The Groove

I talked about trying the raw food diet in my last post and I am happy to say that I have slowly included raw food in my diet for the past week. My detox symptom came in too early. I am now experiencing flu-like symptoms and my weekend was spent making my smoothie, lying in bed and watching TV. I am not 100% sure if my flu was caused by my switch to raw diet or because it is the flu season again. I guess I will just ride this out. I have taken cold meds but it doesn't seem to help at all. I seriously feel miserable now. 

Progress Report: I have limited my rice and meat or egg intake (just for breakfast). The rest of my meals are either fruit or green smoothie. I am happy about that to say the least. I am just a bit irked that my detox symptoms came knocking even if I am not yet a 100% raw foodie. Aside from the flu-like symptoms, I have also noticed that I have a couple of zits on my chin and forehead. I hope this isn't going to be a bad breakout. 

Oh and yes, while watching Food Channel, I cringe at the sight of overly processed food and I glow when I see salads and fruit juices and simple recipes. I wish I can have this motivation going until I reach my goal. I hope no amount of detox symptoms can deter me. 

In my next post, I will be sharing to you my smoothie recipes. 

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