Saturday, November 7, 2009

Run KT Run

I run after work this morning with a friend and he taught me a few things and hopefully I'd remember all of them from form, to breathing to stride to dang it I forgot the rest. LOL! Anyway, we run the vicinity of Mall of Asia for maybe 30 minutes. I don't wear watch, he didn't either and nobody cared to check the time on our phones. It maybe was 2K at least, just enough to make me break out a sweat. I need to practice more and of course I need to run more. Hopefully, I will keep on and not give up too easily.

I didn't eat much at work last night except for a granola bar which I shared with 2 of my techs and then had zen tea with honey to sweeten it a bit for the rest of the shift.

The other granola bar I ate after the run and I gave my friend a Clif Bar (forgot what it was but I think it was the Oatmeal Raisin Walnut). We had breakfast at home. I made lemon spinach couscous and corned beef with sliced mushrooms.

Sure, it wasn't a blah day today. It was better than I expected it to be. Looking forward to LSD's soon.

For non-runners who follow my blog here's what Wiki has to say about LSD:

Long slow distance (often called LSD) is a phrase commonly used to describe both a training method for running or cycling, and a way of running for non-competitive runners, particularly those preparing to finish their first marathon. Long slow distance running was promoted as a training method by Joe Henderson in 1969.[1] Henderson saw his approach as providing an alternative to the dominant school of training for distance running which he called “PTA school of running-- the pain, torture, and agony” approach. He documented the success of six competitive runners who followed in one form or another an LSD training regime, sometimes combining a few more strenuous workouts with the regular long slow distance running with weekly mileages ranging from 50-60 to 120-150 miles per week, with marathon personal bests between 2:14 and 2:50 hours. In addition, there are ultra-marathoners who use a similar method for training.

Long Slow Distance is exactly what it sounds like. A typical 5k runner might consider 8 to 10 miles LSD, while a marathoner might run 20 or more miles. LSD runs are typically done at an easy pace, 1-3 minutes per mile slower than a runner's 10k pace. The objective of these runs is to build blood volume and to increase muscle strength, endurance, and aerobic fitness. One method is to run at your maximum aerobic heart rate which can be calculated by subtracting your age from 180 and making minor adjustments according to age and training.

However, Henderson’s book was not only directed at competitive runners, but also at runners who wanted to have fun running. He writes, “LSD isn't just a training method. It's a whole way of looking at the sport. Those who employ it are saying running is fun -- all running, not just the competitive part which yields rewards.”


earthlingorgeous said...

Off topic: Hi Kessa ! Thanks for the interest in joining my Fitnesse Team :) I will email you the exact time for the weigh-in on November 14. I just need your full name so I can include you on my team and facebook account so I can send you a sampler :)
Looking for a Fitnesse Partner/Team

Weng Zaballa said...

Hi Tessa!

you're taking marathon seriously ha. Keep it up!!!